Storyboards & Instructional Video
This week we explored best practices for creating instructional storyboards. We were introduced to a multitude of options we could use. The week 4 assignment was to create a personalized storyboard that aligns with an instructional event and then take further steps to create and publish a short educational video.
I followed course suggestions and first defined the instructional goal and objectives for a lesson. I used Word to list these and to flesh out my outline and script. First, I brainstormed content to discuss to meet the goals and then developed from that outline my script. See my word document rough storyboard below.
Description of learning/instructional goal:
The instructional goal for this activity is an affective goal that aims to change beliefs and attitudes.
Students will be able:
to differentiate between husn al dhan and su’u al dhan.
to recognize disadvantages and advantages of adhering to this principle.
to exercise steps to interrupt su’u al dhan and maximize husn al dahn.
Single objective tied to goal
In every interpersonal interaction the student will conscientiously refrain from assumption (su’u al dhan) to give the benefit of the doubt (husn al dhan) measured by personal introspection and self-reflection.
I then transferred my Word content into a PowerPoint in which I could animate instruction. I wanted to push myself so I watched several tutorials for how to use OBS software for filming my video. However, I ran into several technical difficulties and challenges. I still need to learn more. I used OBS to film my solo portions. I used Windows Movie Maker to trim the OER videos from which I took clips. I used PPT video making to pull everything together into an MP4 file. See the Word draft storyboard, the PPT storyboard, the video product, and the updated checklist for this assignment below.