Micro Learning Project
Micro Learning
Traditional corporate learning has begun to shift over the last few years from larger, multi-day training seminars to shorter, targeted, direct-learning experiences called Micro Learning. In Micro Learning, content is chunked around smaller objectives that take less time to learn, review, and assess. Learning can be immediately applied to the work environment.
Walmart has recently applied Micro Learning to help create a safety culture among its employees. Axonify created game-based modules that employees could access during their shifts. Module completion took about 5 minutes after which employees received instant feedback. An adaptive algorithm allowed the game to remember employee responses and, based on that, to close knowledge gaps on an individual basis. The result has been a dramatic decrease in safety incidents and the creation of safety consciousness among employees.
Micro Learning has been successfully used for safety awareness, employee training, onboarding, customer service, compliance, and leadership training. Smaller chunks of content mean better retention and less time taken for review and assessment. Microlearning allows for delivery of bite-sized, relevant, bits of content that can be immediately applied on the job. Instructional Designers need to think now in terms of competencies, unbundled curriculum, and targeted modules.

How can I as an Instructional Designer create Micro Learning content?

Micro Learning Project
When I started this course and found out that we needed to create a portfolio website, I was ready to back out right away. Considering my already demanding professional work assignments and very demanding family responsibilities, it had been a feat of sacrifice to fit this course into an 8-week stretch of my life. Where would I find the time to learn how to build a website? But being stubborn and acclimated to facing learning challenges on a daily basis, I took the dive anyway.
I convinced myself it did not have to be an amazing website, it just needed to be visually appealing at the least, so long as all content objectives could be met. Not having the leisure to shop for a website, I reviewed the discussions of my fellow students and selected Wix. The endeavor of creating a website has been a monumental Project-Based Learning exercise for me. See my explanation of Project-Based Learning.
I selected Wix. Check out the Wix site and set up your own website.

My Biggest Ah-hA
My biggest 'Ah-hA' has been learning about Andragogy and Micro Learning. I am an adult learner and the assumptions fit me precisely. I just never assessed my learning processes before. But I can see how observing and assessing my own learning processes can inform my future Instructional Design endeavors. I recognize how much I engage in Micro Learning. I cannot even count how many times I've googled definitions, concepts, and personal questions that I come across. Either I'm trying to fix my computer that is hanging, the kitchen faucet that just started to leak, or put windows in my son's outdoor storage shed. There is no end. Short, instructional videos are my favorite Micro Learning assets. I don't know yet how to make my own videos. That will be my next challenge.
Morrison, S. (2017, October 23). Corporate Microlearning Examples: Real-World Case Studies. Retrieved July 19, 2018, from https://news.elearninginside.com/corporate-microlearning-examples/
Gallagher, S. (2018, March 13). As Corporate World Moves Toward Curated 'Microlearning,' Higher Ed Must Adapt - EdSurge News. Retrieved July 19, 2018, from https://www.edsurge.com/news/2017-11-06-as-corporate-world-moves-toward-curated-microlearning-higher-ed-must-adapt
Morrison, S. (2017, October 09). Microlearning Essentials: The What and Why. Retrieved July 19, 2018, from https://news.elearninginside.com/microlearning-essentials/
Eades, J. (2017, July 19). Why Microlearning Is HUGE And How To Be A Part Of It. Retrieved July 19, 2018, from https://elearningindustry.com/why-microlearning-is-huge
Tables and Charts by Maryum Mohsin