Deep Dive into Design
This week we explored image formats such as JPG, GIF, PNG, and SVG. And we were encouraged to look for OER images that we could edit, thereby creating our own digital image. Our assignment also included creating a logo and a flyer applying principles of design that we've learned over the last few weeks. Below my edited image, logo, flyer, and updated checklist, I will elaborate on my takeaways from the lesson content.
Edited Image
We were challenged to do more than just crop and change image sizes, so I downloaded the free open source raster graphics editor and slotted some time to watch a few tutorials on how to use it. This is an amazing software and I wish I knew how to maximize all that it has to offer. It will take some time to dig deeper. But with what I learned I managed to remove a young toddler and place her in my own scenery image so that it appears she is walking on water. I also added a hot air balloon with a drawn in basket. And from another image I removed a young toddler peeking over the edge so that he appears to be peeking over the edge of the basket.
I've added Alt Text as suggested also by the instructor. Hover over the image to see the description.

Here are the credits for the four original images (above) that I worked with.
"Walking Baby" by donnierayjones is licensed under CC BY 2.0
"Fly Me to the Moon, by way of a Hot Air Balloon" by Beverly & Pack is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Peeking boy Image by Lori Clouse from Pixabay
Logo Design
We were also told to design a logo. I used a template from canva.com and altered the words and added an image representative of the purpose. I wanted a logo for a website that might offer a variety of courses or lessons on creative writing. If I had taken the 30-day free upgrade, I could have taken this logo in transparent format, which would have been ideal. But I didn't want to go that route and settled for it in PNG format. In particular, I wanted a logo that would make sense on a flyer inviting participants to join regular creative writing gatherings.
I used a flyer template offered at canva.com to design the flyer. I selected images that a viewer could tell from a distance that the flyer was relevant to writing. Two images came from within canva.com and I don't have them as separate items. One image came from and OER image search and it is here below.

Credits for Images in Flyer
Image of Pen on paper writing free images Canva.com.
Image of adult writing in journal free images Canva.com
Image of young boy 5 maybe writing
"Writing" by Marin Dacos is waiting 4 les tambours de la pluie is licensed under CC BY 2.0