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Part 1 - Signature Assignment

We’ve been directed to use the tools we created throughout IDX300x to solve or aid a learning solution that is the Capstone we will be creating in IDX400x. For me though, I used the time learning all about the many tools that were suggested, and I’ve found that my assignments have not been pointed in a unified direction that would serve my Capstone goal. However, having learned to:

  • create my own audio (Audacity),

  • create and edit my own videos (OBS and Movie Maker),

  • find Open Education content (that I had no idea existed before this),

  • alter images (Gimp, Optimizer tool, PPT Design Ideas),

  • create infographics in Canva,

  • create a full interactive module using an authoring tool, Tutor LMS and Moodle,

has prepared me to be able to envision how I can use content to meet an instructional need.


I could not decide on my direction until I had all these technologies under my belt. The types of things I can use allows me to see possibilities that I could not see before this course. I have decided now what I hope to create, a Reading, Comprehension, and Creative Expression Course for young learners (2nd to 4th Grade).

Here is my base plan for the of the Reading, Comprehension, and Creative Expression Course I plan to build in IDX400x.

Statement of instructional need:

To provide interactive modules of progressively more difficult reading pieces that revolve around the lives of 2 relatable character siblings interspersed with creative writing modules to widen student thought-to-spoken and -written expression.


  1. Stories are the best way to increase fluency in reading, comprehending, and eventually writing. The content is basically a series of stories about Yasmeen and Yusuf and their experiences that students will be able to relate to. The goal is not to make students ‘fluent’, it is to engage, motivate, and provide a process for how to read with comprehension at increasingly more difficult levels. This will be an interactive online course primarily exercising Universal Design Learning Principals of Engagement, Representation, and Action and Expression. The videos will be engaging, providing the hook, and pointing direction for the content of the module. All materials will be accessible by audio, CC, and print formats of support resources. There will some prework to gauge student reading skills. There will be some collaborative pieces too but they will be limited due to the course being online.  

Course Plan Overview Video
Storyboard for Course Plan Overview Video

2. Development of following digital content:

  • Mini videos at start of each module

  • Audio recordings of each reading

  • Authoring tool to build out modules

  • Tool for students to load their recordings

  • Writing assignments will be on Google drive to permit instances of peer review or peer writing

  • Will also accept uploads, scans, images of writing


    a. Digital document (Original reading and comprehension material; original creative writing material already made)

    b. Explanatory video sharing a general view of my plan

        I found some wonderful CC videos through YouTube and the Queensland Department of Education that feature beautiful children sharing how they like to learn and expressing their love for reading. I’ve taken select pieces from the videos. I may use other portions in future as I make the welcome videos for each module.

    c. Enhanced digital images

         I’ve placed 4 enhanced images on my website all of this same theme, see below. I found an easy way to enhance. I place the image on a PPT slide and select Design Ideas. Several ideas to select from. I pick one and add words maybe. Then File/Expore/Change File Type/JPEG/Save As – in that order and the image will be saved as a JPEG. You can also choose PNG.

    d. Interactive/adaptive module: will build this most likely in Moodle because I know it has most of this functionality

    e. At least two Open Education Resources to support identified content.

        I used pieces from 2 CC videos and all the images were found by OER Commons Search and filter

    f. Creative Commons license (s) -- I’m considering CC SA BY for my course

    g. Updated digital media checklist for each of digital media--see below in PDF format. All the videos and images I am using relate to the theme of reading.

Digital Images - CC - Altered Versions on Right
Young girl reading a book sitting on a pile of books [irl-3038974_1920.jpg]
Boy reading cozy on bed with stuffed animals
Boy in a bright yellow shirt reading a story book
Young boy on wood floor, crouched and reading a book in a ray of sunlight
Toddler laying on back with a large book up over his face reading
Altered image of young girl reading a book sitting on a pile of books [irl-3038974_1920.jpg]
Altered image of both boys reading; building blocks to learning
Both children combined reading books; reading is magic, peek-a-boo
Image Credits
OER Digital Media Checklist
Reading and Comprehension Content
Reading and Comprehension Answer Key
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