Rapid eLearning Model
The primary defining quality of the Rapid Model lies within its name, Rapid. Time constraints limit several tasks that may be followed in the Addie Model and the use of an authoring tool and ready-made templates greatly reduce time needed for design decisions, determining methods of assessment, and engagement opportunities. Also, with the ID/SME able to wear so many hats, the possibility of content corruption or degradation is greatly reduced.
Rapid eLearning Model Map
Rapid eLearning has gained in popularity as corporate training and small businesses look for cost efficient alternatives to large, full scale training models.
Quick to pull together
Short, focused modules
Easy to update
SME/ID partnership
Fewer roles, lower cost
Quality vs speed
Potential lack of variety templates
Labor intensive for ID who wears many hats
Limited engagement
Common rapid authoring tools include:
Articulate Studio '09
Articulate Studio’13
Snap! by Lectora
Adobe Captivate
Lectora Inspire
Articulate Storyline
Pappas, Christopher. “How Rapid ELearning Development Provides Additional Value to an ELearning Project.” ELearning Industry, 30 Sept. 2019, elearningindustry.com/how-rapid-elearning-development-provides-additional-value-to-an-elearning-project.
Pappas, Christopher. “6 Tips For Effective Rapid ELearning Development.” ELearning Industry, 14 Mar. 2018, elearningindustry.com/effective-rapid-elearning-development.